Thinking about financing your next car and looking for a simple and inexpensive way to find the right one without the pain?
Good idea!
However, finding the right one can be daunting, and it is often difficult to find the best deals available in your busy life. At Vehicle solutions, we want to know all the ways that a Novated lease can benefit you and get you driving away in the car of your choice as soon as possible.
By choosing Novated Leasing you can get the right information, the best car prices, and our fully automated online pricing site that eliminates the exhausting process of hunting for your new car, all without stepping outside your own home.
Our success is simple! Find the best car for our clients with the lowest lease payments all backed up by service from our friendly staff.
Not sure, or haven’t had a leased car before?
A Novated Lease is merely an arrangement between a leasing company, an employer and an employee. The agreement allows an employee to sacrifice (hence the term Salary Sacrifice) a portion of their wage back to the employer, who uses these funds to pay the vehicle’s running costs. It merely means the employee pays less income tax and benefits from the employer’s GST claim while retaining full control of the car for 100% personal use.
A Novated Lease is an excellent budgeting tool, while saving you thousands in tax and a fuel card pays for fuel, tyres and servicing and when your registration and insurance fall due and send them in for payment.
Any new, demo or used vehicle can be novated. The general rule is the vehicle cannot be any older than ten years at the end of the lease. For example, a five-year-old car can only be leased for five years. Arranging a Lease-back on a vehicle you currently own or have on finance can likewise still give you the tax saving advantage.
How much tax will a Novated Lease save me?
Please feel free to use our Novated Lease calculator, it’s free, and we don’t ask for your details. It means you can do as many quotes as you like on as many different car prices and salary levels you need.
Vehicle Solutions is also listed on most car manufacturers’ lists as a Novated Leasing provider, and therefore you qualify automatically for fleet pricing.
To save even more, check out Motorbuys is our sister company that helps you to source the best new car prices without the hassle and stress of negotiating in person with multiple dealerships. Getting a better vehicle price, will mean lower lease payments and therefore you can save even more.
Hopefully this gives you a good understanding of the leasing processes, however, if you have any other questions regarding your new vehicle, please feel free to contact our friendly staff at Vehicle Solutions as they will be happy to assist you.