When you think about getting financing, the first thing that you think about is how much it will cost you. But making the right financial choice can help you more than it costs you. The purchase of a new car should be anything but stressful or worrisome. With novated leases financing a vehicle has never been easier.
What Is a Car Novated Lease?
A car novated lease is a simple arrangement between you, your employer and the leasing company. The employer then makes payments every month to cover your car, and it’s additional expenses, deducting them from your salary.
Your car novated lease can make paying for a new car pass by in a breeze. Here are some of the many ways novated leases can benefit you:
Make the Most out of Your Salary
Novated leases can help you increase your disposable income and save you in taxes at the same time. Each payment credited towards your contract is taken from your pre-tax salary, which is a more considerable amount of money. You get to cover essential expenses before tax deductions, resulting in higher income at your disposal.
With some economic responsibilities out of the way, you are only paying taxes on the rest of your salary, which means that the total amount of taxes you spend is also reduced. Novated leases save you on every front! Who doesn’t like the sound of that?
Get the Car of Your Choice
A car novated lease allows you to get the car you truly want by offering you the opportunity to cover the cost in smaller easy payments. Get a new car you will genuinely enjoy driving without feeling guilty about it. You can feel happy knowing that payments can conveniently be made as part of your salary packaging.
Plan for the Unexpected
Novated leases factor in a lot of the expenses that we often neglect to think about. Unexpected car expenses can arise at any moment and usually do at inconvenient times. There’s nothing worse than having to cover a cost that you didn’t budget for.
With your car novated lease you don’t have to worry. Fuel, insurance, tyres and car service are all part of your lease payments. Everything is covered ahead of time for your best experience. All you have to worry about is your daily life and enjoy your new car.
Vehicle Solutions Can Get You the Best Price
A lower car price can significantly reduce the size of your novated lease payments. Vehicle solutions can help you get the most out of your novated lease from the start by helping you get the lowest price on your car of choice.
Check out our car novated lease calculator to find out more about exactly how much a novated lease can save you. Don’t worry you won’t have to disclose any personal details to use it. Contact our friendly staff today! We’ll be happy to help you in setting up your car novated lease and save you some money.